
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Plant Update - new spikes! New Flowers!

I took some pictures on Sunday afternoon of some progress at OOAB HQ.

First up, our lovely Stenoglottis S0703 (Sten. Saturn 'Electric' x Sten. woodii 'Gous') has finally flowered after watching three spikes slowly grow. The spottiness of the leaves carries on into the flowers!

I've since found out this cross is called Stenoglottis Ganymede - quite a good name seeing as Ganymede is one of Saturn's moons!
Stenoglottis Ganymede spike - one of three!
Flowering Triffid Stenoglottis
Stenoglottis Ganymede flower
Stenoglottis Ganymede flower
Not all the flowers on the spikes have opened yet. We're thinking of taking this one to the EPOS meeting on Thursday this week.

Next up, out Rhynchostylis coelestis has not one but two spikes on it. Guess the little bout of fungus or whatever hasn't worried it too much...

Looks like the flowers will be purple-ish or lilac-y. Don't think it'll be open by Thursday though!

Yay, buds!

Nearly opening...!
Second spike
Also, the bud on our Paphiopedilum Onyx has opened fully and is more symmetrical that the one on its friend.
Paphiopedilum Onyx
Finally, an update on the progress of our recently (~3 weeks) deflasked seedlings.
Some really hot, dry days took their toll, I think - this was before my propagator arrived, unfortunately, so I think some of them really took strain. They're now happily cocooned in the Garland Big 3 propagator - and I'm keeping a beady eye out for fungus. A few plants in each tray had started obviously dying, so I pulled them out.
(A18 Blc. Three Sun 'Sun #16' x Pot. Shin Shiang Diamond)
Note the dying seedlings :( 

( Blc. A17 Blc. Chian-Tzy Salmon x Blc. Shinfong Luoyang 'Gold')
Fewer dying plants.
Not too bad, I think! In less positive news, this morning I finally noticed that our Microcoelia exilis is *covered* in scale, so I spent about 15 minutes scratching it all off with my fingernails - will have to do another once-over later on and keep an eye out for more of those buggers. I also saw a single mealybug on one of the plants and squashed it immediately.


  1. Your photos are just fantastic ... so clear. They really do show the flowering stages so well. Love the 'triffid' shot ... definitely does have that look about it! It's a beautiful orchid ... and the little bud on the Paphio is just plain cute.

    I've followed from Folia and your blog is terrific. Have you ever thought of joining a garden blog community ... I know one such community where your blog would be avidly read by many orchid fans. Anyway, it's just a suggestion. I'm a member myself and ended up with lots of readers and followers for my blog after I joined so I can recommend it highly. Try ... pop in and have a look around. There's another great orchid blogger there who has a blog called 'My Orchids Journal' and I'm sure you would enjoy that blog.

  2. Thanks Bernie :)

    The pictures are courtesy of my Canon EOS 5D, and in this case, using two flashes (one direct with its built in diffuser, the other with a Sto-fen Omnibounce) and the Canon 100mm Macro lens.

    Thanks for your suggestion - I've just signed up to Blotanicals! :)

  3. Really nice close up shots. Thanks for the info :)

    "The pictures are courtesy of my Canon EOS 5D, and in this case, using two flashes (one direct with its built in diffuser, the other with a Sto-fen Omnibounce) and the Canon 100mm Macro lens. "
