
Friday, January 21, 2011

Some names for some "mystery" plants

I emailed the Exotic Plant Company the other day, and I received a detailed reply from the owner, Michael Tibbs this afternoon:
Hi James 

Thank you for your email.

The Zygopetalum is a hybrid called Zygopetalum James Strauss

The spotted Paphiopedilum is Paphiopedilum (Bagley x insigne)

The albino Maudiae is Paphiopedilum ONYX (Maudiae x Goultenianum)

Trust this offers answers to your questions and well done on your website…

Best regards


I also sent emails to Lansbergen Orchideeen (who have yet to respond) and  PP Orchideeen, who sent me an email this morning:
Hello James

I have looked at de foto.
We called it a Amerikaan Hybriden (complex Hybrid)
It is a mix of diverd Paphiopedilum,

Best regards
Elsbeth Prins

Looks like Mr. Tibbs knows his orchids better than the people who grow them... Many thanks, Michael, and thanks to Elsbeth for at least taking the time to respond! Time to update ye olde species list.
Paphiopedilum Bagley x insigne
Zygopetalum James Strauss
Paphiopedilum ONYX (Maudiae x Goultenianum)

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